Nice2All is blog managed by Lyndi Geldenhuis that covers WordPress themes, tips and some extra stuff on top.
Lyndi is one of my most active readers (so am I to her blog) and I was glad to up our interaction a bit by exchanging reviews (and maybe more contributions which I will keep under wraps for now).
Blog covers all things WordPress. It has an interesting twist to it because Lyndi, being PHP programmer by profession, approaches it from PHP viewpoint. Plenty of people in blogosphere came to PHP by using WordPress but here it’s opposite case.
Style is not overly technical with occasional code snippets and a lot of thoughts on usability aspects and balance of features between plugins and native WordPress abilities. It’s less of an beating old things and more about WordPress as blog-powering engine.
Recent redesign was a switch from freely distributed AquaBlock Theme (by Lyndi) to new theme exclusive to Nice2All (by Lyndi as well). It’s an improvement in my opinion because AquaBlock is general purpose theme and kinda not interesting enough for original blog.
New theme has more bright spots and very interesting color balance. Still I feel like some unneeded AquaBlock legacy crawled in it. It’s hard to describe in words so screenshot time.

Left is header, right is footer. Maybe it’s my perception but it’s hard to match the havles.
Lyndi, being able to code, uses some interesting tweaks like having side-blog in sidebar and plenty of elements showing on index page only. It’s cool but kinda subtle (especially for people landing on post pages like most do). I don’t see much reasons to hide parts of blog on single post pages.
I am not saying this often but sidebar is lacking stuff. :) 125x125 block is fine but lower it turns in wall of text with numerous excerpts. I know overall style is pretty formal but I’d expect more wacky experimental stuff from blog that has strong development for WordPress streak.
Lyndi is not original founder of blog, it was passed to her few months ago. It was very hard to put my opinion in words but I think that in branding aspect Lyndi herself is bigger brand than Nice2All .
Blogs have personalities and Nice2All has split one at moment with blog part being weaker than blogger. It would take time for this period to pass and while it’s often better to keep established branding… in this case I think it could use a nuke and fresh start. :)
Nice2All is not-so-usual blog on WordPress filled with plenty of value. Content is excellent but form it is being packed in lacks flair a bit. Watching new blog grow is interesting but common. Watching old blog change is rare and fascinating experience – join me in it .
This review was written both as part of my Blogging Idol promotional offers and returning favor to Lyndi’s Blog Reviews project*.*
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