Entrecard widget stayed in my sidebar for a long time:
- as experiment;
- through being a habit (just there);
- and until a time to see results.
Is there much of result to see?
What Entrecard promises
Entrecard is cross between social network and advertising network. It uses widget based on common 125x125 ad format – general impressions are in my study of those . Quoting home page it promises:
- boost your unique visitors;
- grow your blog audience;
- help bloggers succeed;
- ad network just for bloggers.
It is supposed to be nice way to discover good blogs, connect with other bloggers and bring loads of traffic to your own blog in the process.
What it had delivered

~900 visits in five months. Notice heavy spikes – only periods when I was getting numerous visitors were those when I was actively dropping cards and spending credits on advertisement. Entrecard has zero conversion into lasting traffic.
Comparing to average visitors those from Entrecard:
- spent twice less time on site per visit;
- browsed ~30% less pages per visit;
- bounced ~30% more often.
Overall it was consistently sending me visitors that had completely no interest in my blog .
My problem
I was using Entrecard at my own pace – making drops when I was seeing widget at other blogs and exploring computers category . Using it in this way, which I assumed to be suggested, was completely useless to succeed and get more value out of it.
Entrecard favors people that are focused on Entrecard. Doing more drops will get you more credits, more people to drop on your blog. Make hundreds of drops and you will attract hundreds of other mass droppers. Notice that social and networking aspects are suddenly out of equation.
I consider visiting blog with primary goal of clicking Entrecard widget plain rude to blogger. I was flamed few times for saying this aloud.
I want my blog to be useful and popular resource, Entrecard makes credit source out of it instead.
If choosing service to spend time on I suggest Twitter . Unlike Entrecard it doesn’t have anything to do with traffic but a lot of with networking and people – something Entrecard promises and fails to deliver.
Entrecard generates excellent amount of traffic comparing to other widgets . However I consider amount of time it requires high and quality low . It was nice in early days but not worth attention in long term. So we part.
I thank all visitors from Entrecard who discovered my blog through it but stayed for my content instead, I know there are few of you out there.
Those who had seen drops from me – know that I will keep reading your blogs and Entrecard was not a reason for my visits.
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