I use screenshots a lot and the software landscape for them is pretty much overdone. But screenshot software tends to specialize in static screenshots.
At times something more dynamic is required. I used to disregard GIF recording as something too bulky for quick workflow. Then I discovered LICEcap and it lets me record GIFs almost as fast as take screenshots.
What is does
LICEcap interface looks like a most typical software window. With a twist — there is nothing inside the window of the app itself. It is a frame that records whatever is going inside of it.

LICEcap interface
After pressing record you choose destination file and can configure couple basic settings. Then (after preroll pause) recording starts and captures everything inside the frame until you stop it (or preset time limit runs out).
Strong features
The frame interface metaphor work exceptionally well. Since, unlike screenshots, you can’t just snap the whole screen and cut it down — composing the recording area is important.
You can also move frame while recording. That allows to show larger subjects in image of smaller dimensions (and so smaller size).
You can pause recording (with Shift + Space hotkey) and insert frames with text into it. Pause works well for ending the record, because otherwise your mouse movement outside of the frame to do it gets captured.
While it is clearly not in the app’s scope, I can’t help but think it could benefit from some basic editor capabilities. Something as simple as cropping frames from the end could save me plenty of re–takes.
Wonderfully simple and efficient software for when screenshot is not enough.
Site cockos.com/licecap